allowQuery | Specifies if the map service can be queried against. Valid Values ('true','false'). |
allowView | Specifies if the map service is viewable on the map or only for access through code. Valid Values ('true','false'). |
alternateIdentifyService |
collapsedGroupIds | Allows group layers in the map service to be collapsed up to the the group level. This causes the TOC to only only display the group layer. The ids of the group are semicolon delimited. Example: collapsedGroupIds="96;171". |
displayName | This is the name of the map service that is displayed in the toc. Example: displayName = "Streets". |
isOverviewMap | This attribute allows you to specify if it is used as the overview map for the virtual application. Valid Values ('true','false'). |
mapServiceType (Required) | Specifies type of the map service as either dynamic or tiled. Valid Values ('Tiled','Dynamic'). |
minimumResolution |
name |
url (Required) | This is the url of the map service. Example: url="". |
disallowCachingFeatureTypes | By default, client-side caching is enabled for all data retrieved from map services. To disable caching for specific layers supported by a map service, specify them by name. Multiple layers can be specified - no delimter is currently required. |
allowCaching | Client-side caching is, by default, provided for all map services when client-side caching is enabled. To disable caching for all layers supported by a map service, set allowCaching="false". |