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Framework Commands

The framework ships with the scriptableCommands that are listed below. Some of this commands can be further configured per virtual application.

DrawCommanddrawfalseAllows geometry to be drawn on the map.
DrawFeaturesCommanddrawfeaturefalseAllows features to be drawn on the map.
GetCodesCommandcodesfalseUsed to get the codes for a specified code collection.
GetAddressLocationsCommandlocatefalseUsed to get an address locations based on an address.
GetLocationAddressCommandaddressfalseUsed to get an address based on a point.
GetLayerCommandgetlayerfalseUsed to retrieve the a layer info from a mapService.
IdentifyCommandidentfalseUsed to perform an identify through a mapservice.
ListLayersCommandlistlayersfalseGets a list of all the layers for a mapService.
SetExtentCommandsefalseSets the extent of the map.
ShowLayersCommandalfalseAllows the setting of the visible layers of the map.
QueryCommandqueryfalsePeforms ad-hoc queries on layers.
ToggleLayerCommandtogglelayerfalseToggles a layer between visible/invisible states on the map.
ZoomToCountyCommandzctrueZooms to a county.
ZoomToCustomCommandzcufalseAllows the ability to zoom to a custom set of parameters
ZoomToDistrictCommandzdtrueZooms to a district
ZoomToRoadwayzrtrueZooms to a roadway.
ZoomToWorkProgramItemzwptrueZoom to a work program item.
BufferGeometryCommandbufferfalseBuffer a geometry object.

District Commands

Districts are encouraged to add there custom created commands to the wiki pages below.

See Also

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