FDOT.Map.create | The create method creates the map object on the page and configures it for use. The onReady callback is executed once the map has completed its initialization. |
FDOT.Map.destroy | The destroy method removes a configured map from the page. |
FDOT.Map.executeCommand | Executes a framework command using the specified parameters and the id for a callback to invoke on command completion. |
FDOT.Map.executeComponent | Executes a named component. This is intended for use in embedded mode where a component is needed without having to show the component toolbar. |
FDOT.Map.selectPoint | The selectPoint method enables geometry selection mode for the map. Once the user clicks a point on the map, the callback function will be executed, passing in the selected geometry. |
FDOT.Map.selectPolyline | The selectPoint method enables geometry selection mode for the map. Once the user clicks a point on the map, the callback function will be executed, passing in the selected geometry. |
FDOT.Map.selectBox | The selectBox method enables geometry selection mode for the map. Once the user completes their selection on the map, the callback function will be executed, passing in the selected geometry. |
FDOT.Map.selectCircle | The selectCircle method enables geometry selection mode for the map. Once the user completes their selection on the map, the callback function will be executed, passing in the selected geometry. |
FDOT.Map.selectPolygon | The selectPolygon method enables geometry selection mode for the map. Once the user completes their selection on the map, the callback function will be executed, passing in the selected geometry. |
FDOT.Map.cancelGeometrySelection | The cancelGeometrySelection method ends geometry selection mode for the map if a geometry selection was in progress. |
FDOT.Map.setProperty | Sets a named property in Silverlight's isolated storage using the framework's client-side caching support. This can be used for storing application-specific information or modifying framework settings. For example, setProperty('DoPersistCache', 'true') enables client-side caching of query results. |
FDOT.Map.getProperty | Returns the named property from Silverlight's isolated storage using the framework's client-side caching support. |
FDOT.Map.addExtentChangeHandler | Adds handler when the extent changes on the map. |
FDOT.Map.addFeatureSelectionChangeHandler | Adds handler when the feature on the map is selected. |
FDOT.Map.addVisibleLayersChangeHandler | Adds handler when the visible layers are changed. |
FDOT.Map.getQueryableLayers | Gets the list of queryable layers for the map. |
FDOT.Map.getVisibleLayers | Gets the list of visible layers for the map. |